Greenhouse and Plant Nursery Books

This Lübecks Bookstore catalogue page has horticultural books about planning, building, starting operation, operating greenhouses. These books cover selecting, planning, building, and operating a greenhouse.
In addition, we have included several excellent books on building a tropical greenhouse or a conservancy. A conservatory, large or small, provides a welcoming and additional living space for the whole family. It brings the pleasures of the garden indoors, including extra light, color, sounds, and scent.
Learn how to build a tropical greenhouse complete with exotic plants and rare butterflies.
The following list of books were carefully selected by our research staff for nursery workers, botanists, biologists, the do-it-yourself propagator, and home gardeners. These books were selected because their text material is clearly written, easy to follow, and usually are accompanied with instructive photographs and detailed illustrations. And that if followed closely
by the reader, the reader should be able to perform the work necessary to complete a successful propagation project.
These books will be of interest to nursery owners and operators, wholesale plant growers, horticulture students, backyard hobbyist, and advanced gardeners who dream of turning their passion for plants into a job they love.
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Greenhouse Books
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Starting & Operating A Successful Greenhouse
- Greenhouse Gardeners Companion: Growing Food and Flowers in Your Greenhouse or Sunspace
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Shane Smith, Marjorie C. Leggitt / Paperback 544 pages / Published April 2000
This book a practical, comprehensive guide to making the most of a greenhouse or garden room.
Addressing almost every aspect except the actual construction, Smith covers the greenhouse environment (light, humidity, temperature), interior design (plant placement, fans, drainage), individual plants and their propagation, ground beds and containers, pollination requirements, plant spacing and growth, and scheduling for flower or fruit production. Covers composting technique and manual pollination techniques.
Covers growing requirements for growing specific plants in a green house and sunrooms.
Discusses soil from the point of view of providing plants with a healthy root system. Covers soil pH and nutrients and organic soil amendments in beds and pots. The book provides coverage on pests and diseases control, for which the author recommends mostly organic and biologic controls.
This book provides good basic guidance on just about everything you might want to know about green house gardening.
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- Ortho's All About Greenhouses
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ortho / Paperback 96 pages / Published August 2001
This book is a complete basic guide to creating and using a greenhouse. Ortho's All About Greenhouses provides plans and building tips, advice on kits and equipment, and proven growing techniques.
Whether you are a home horticulturist wanting indoor growing space for orchids and blooming tropicals or a year-round site to grow vegetables and cut flowers, you can select, build and customize just the right plan with this guide book.
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- Greenhouses
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Fiona Gilsenan / Paperback 112 pages, 2nd Edition / Published January 2001
This book from Sunset Publishing provides solid basic information for creating an environment for year-round plant growing or an indoor garden room to enjoy. Learn the basics of building your own structure, plant propagation, and much more.
This book has plenty of ideas and inspiration.
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- Complete Book of the Greenhouse
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ian G. Walls / Paperback 304 pages / Published August 2003
This comprehensive manual is an important guide for anyone aspiring to own and to successfully operate a greenhouse. Includes complete coverage on designing, constructing, and managing a greenhouse, with information on site selection, materials, heating, environmental control, and soil sterilization.
Includes comprehensive gardening information providing detailed advice on choosing, caring for, and cultivating plants, whether they are vegetables or other types. Complete with diagrams and photographs that explain each topic. This inspirational source of ideas and techniques features everything from start to harvest. Covers the latest information on modern greenhouse methods and materials. Plus essential advice on controlling greenhouse pests, diseases, and other problems. Nearly every type of plant is included: vegetables, fruits, shrubs, flowers, bulbs, cacti, ferns, orchids, alpines, and pot plants.
This is an excellent reference book for the greenhouse.
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- The Living Tropical Greenhouse: Creating a Haven for Butterflies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Tampion, Maureen Tampion / Paperback 160 pages / Published September 1999
Use this book to create a miniature tropical rainforest with passion flowers, banana plants, and other magnificent exotic plants in your own greenhouse or conservatory. And in the process, make a home for the most colorful and unique butterflies in the world. Monarchs, Asian swallowtails, and a host of South American species will thrive in this habitat, including some that have become rare in their natural environments. Play a vital role in their conservation, caring for these delicate creatures in every stage of their lifecycle. Set up the right ecosystem, including heating, light, water, and the proper plants for their "paradise". This book will provide the understanding for feeding, breeding, and courtship rituals. Learn how to care for young ones, move and house larvae, and prevent health problems.
A guide to butterflies helps you select the right ones, and full color photographs throughout the book highlight what adventures await you!
Click on the book cover to read more.
- The Successful Conservatory: And Growing Exotic Plants
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Joan Phelan / Paperback 160 pages / Published March 2002
This interesting guide book offer practical information, along with both how-to instructions and inspiring photographs, to guide you through the process of deciding what your conservatory should look like, what you can afford, and how you may want to use it.
The author, who creates conservatories for a living, provides the expert advice of a designer and by following this book you will make the perfect choice of site, size, and structure.
Also included are planting plans and lists, and details on care and maintenance. Plus suggestions for containers, furniture, special features, and rules for regulating the temperature. Includes several examples of existing conservatories.
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Additional Professional Books & Technical Magazines
These books cover operating a successful plant nursery, greenhouses, plant propagation, plant identification, growing plants, gardening tools, and more subjects.
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This page was last updated March 12, 2018.