Gardening Web Links

This list of websites provides additional sources of gardening tips and useful information.
The maritime areas of the Pacific Nortwest can be a great place to grow a garden. Our climate is mild, and the general growing season usually extends from April to through mid October. And in some areas, particularily in many years even longer. The last frost in the Spring is usually by May 1st, and sometimes as early as the middle of March. The major cities in the Puget Sound area, including Seattle lie in the USDA climate zone 8 with minimum temperatures of 10 to 20 ºF (-12 to -7 ºC). While the Pacific coastal plain and foothills, the Northern coast regions and the Puget Sound areas. Although Seattle lies as far north as Bangor, Maine and Oslo, Norway, the Pacific Ocean currents bring mild marine air that keeps our area relatively warm and wet in the winter months and cool and usually dry in the summer.

With proper planning and skillful planting we can grow vegetables and some fruits year around easily and quite inexpensively.
These web links will provide some of this guidance.

In House Utility Links

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If you have gardening questions, comments, or suggestions, email Emil at

This page was last reviewed and updated November 21, 2018.