Essential Gardening Books

Welcome to our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for essential books for gardening, small farms, and for learning basic country skills.
Our research staff at Lübecks Bookstore is building an extensive selection of books dealing with gardening, organic gardening,
plant propagation, improving garden soils and fertility, fertilizers, raising livestock, garden and farming tools, building farm building,
building fences and gates, growing and saving heirloom seeds and plants, raised bed gardening, container gardening, plant propagation,
fruit and nut trees books, and books for learning basic country skills.
And more gardening books are being added all the time.
The twelve categories are listed here. Make your selection by clicking on a category.
This is the catalogue page for Gardening, number 1 above, and lists books for improving
your gardening skills and for learning basic country skills.
These books are of particular interest to organic gardeners as well as to all home gardeners tilling
the soil in maritime regions of The Pacific Northwest and similiar areas of the world.
Subjects include growing vegetables and herbs, organic gardening methods and techniques, winter
gardening techniques, companion planting, making and using compost, making and using root cellars,
prunning proceedures, native pollinators and gardening help in general.
To learn more about our gentle native Mason bees and Bumblebees, we have included couple of really
delightful handbooks by Brian Griffin. These books will explain just about everthing you need to know
about these hard working pollinator bees and is explained in very clear and specific details.
Anyone who grows fruits and vegatables will welcome and encourage these native solitary bees in and
around their gardens.
Lübecks Bookstore in association with offers these gardening books for sale.
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Organic Gardening Books
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Gardening Books
- Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades: The Complete Guide to Natural Gardening
~Usually Ships in 24 hours
- -Steve Soloman / Paperback 368 pages, 5th edition / Published March 2000
Like many parts of the world, gardening in the Pacific Northwest has its own set of challenges. This comprehensive regional bestselling book is a must have for anyone who wants a
great vegetable garden in the Pacific Northwest. This partly because much of the advice in other gardening books is simply not applicable in our unique climate.
This fully revised edition is considered to be the definitive food gardening manual for the Pacific Northwest.
This is the bible of vegetable gardening for anyone working the
soil in that area west of the Cascade Mountains and from Western British Columbia to Northern California. It includes soil basics, how to improve and manage your garden soil and
keep it fertile the organic way, the art of composting, how to plan your garden, what to plant and when best to plant, which vegetable varieties do best for your part of
this region, what vegetable varieties grow well here and how to cultivate them, which seed companies are reliable, how to irrigate and when not to, information on handling pests,
and an extensive section on the cultivation of each vegetable.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- -Arthur R. Kruckeberg / Paperback 282 pages, 2nd Edition / Published January 1997
A classic work for growing native plants, complete with coverage on grasses, trees, shrubs and perennials. Well organized and well written and destined
to be a standard guidebook for anyone planning to garden with Northwest plants. The book discusses cultivation methods, soil requirements, light, and other environmental factors,
where in the region specific plants will live, and where to find plants, seeds, and cuttings, etc. Includes information on the types of insects and diseases that usually harm our
native plants.
Good gardening reference for any Northwest gardener from Oregon through British Columbia, whether you're east or west of the Cascades. Some historical uses for specific
plants (culinary, medicinal, etc.) are also briefly given. However, a good Audubon guide for native plant identification is recommended if you're trying to identify what plants are growing
wild on your area.
Click on the book title to read excerpts.
- Four Season Harvest: Organic Vegetable from Your Home
Garden All Year Long
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Eliot Coleman, Barbara Damrosch, Kathy Bray, Illustrator
Paperback 212 pages / Published October 1999
One of the best selling self help gardening book that provides comprehensive and authoritive advice on how to successfully grow
a vegetable garden in a climate like that of the state of Maine. Shows and explains how to select, grow, cultivate and harvest up
to forty different varieties of vegetables in season all year round by using cold frames, mobile greenhouses, high-quality compost,
and using simple and inexpensive tools and techniques.
The key is what and when to plant. Full information provided for planting dates, sources of seeds, tools, cold frame construction details,
greenhouses. Well illustrated.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fruits and Berries for the Home Garden
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Lewis Hill, Gwen Steege, Editor / Paperback 288 pages / Published April 1992
Covers the basics of growing fruits and berries.
Click on the book title to read more
- Strawberry Gardening: Grow the Best Strawberries
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Louise Riotte / Paperback / Published 1998
Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-190 from Storey Books is jamed full of information on growing great strawberries.
Click on the book title to read more
- Carrots Love Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion Planting for Successful Gardening
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Louise Riotte / Paperback 224 pages, 2nd Edition / Published March 1998
An excellent reference and guide for many gardening questions.
Click on the book title to read more about this book.
- Successful Small-Scale Farming:
An Organic Approach
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Karl Schwenke, Ben Watson, Editor / Paperback 144 pages, 2nd edition / Published April 1991
This book covers the basics and then some of small scale farming.
Recommended as a good reference book to begin your small scale farm with.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Backyard
Market Gardening: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Selling What You Grow
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Andrew W. Lee, Jim Hightower / Paperback 352 pages / Published 1995
This book is required reading if you are serious about making money marketing
your garden products.
Click on the books title to read more.
- Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits and Vegetables
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Mike Bubel, Nancy Bubel, Pam Art (Editor)
Paperback 320 pages, 2nd Edition / published October 1991
An excellent book for building, stocking, and using a root cellar. Includes specific storage
requirements for many home grown fruits and vegetables.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Woodstove Cookery: At Home on the Range
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Jane Cooper, Sherry Streeter (Illustrator) / Paperback 208 pages / Published August 1983
The book explains how to use the woodburning stove to cook your meals.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Home Water Supply: How to Find, Filter, Store and Conserve it
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Stu Campbell, Rodger Griffith (Editor) / Paperback 240 pages / Published October 1983
An excellent book for covering nearly everthing that you need to know about
a home or farm water supply.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Cottage Water Systems: An Out-Of-The-City Guide to Pumps, Plumbing, Water Purification, and Privies
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Max Burns / Paperback 160 pages / Published August 1993
This excellent authoritive book is a well written and well illustrated guide for understanding, designing,
and using your farm fresh water supply system.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Storey's Basic Country Skills
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Deborah Burns (Editor) / Paperback 544 pages / Published September 1999
Shorey's Books, a leader in home gardening expert advice has produced anexcellent guide.
More than 150 of their knowlegable authors in gardening, building, animal care and raising,
and general homesteading share their expertise and experience in this wonderful and essential guide.
For those on the path to self-sufficency, this book is required reading.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Secrets to Great Soil
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Elizabeth P. Stell / Paperback 224 pages / Published February 1998
This grower's guide to creating and maintaining fertile and productive soil is an excellent
sourcebook for soils. Over 300 color illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Gardening Sucess With Difficult Soils: Limestone, Alkaline Clay, and Caliche
~Usually Ships Within 2-3 Days
- -Scott Ogden / Paperback 216 pages / Published February 1992
This gardening guide explains everything needed to successfully develope a great garden soil from poor soil. Written for the beginning gardener,
but anyone with difficult soils will benefit by studing this book.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Organic Gardener's Home Reference: A Plant-By-Plant Guide to Growing Fresh,
Healthy Food ~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Tanta Denckla / Paperback 288 pages / Published March 1994
This guide is an excellent organic gardening sourcebook for growing, harvesting,
and storing most of the popular vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts.
Click on the book title to read more.
- American
Horicultural Society A To Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Christopher Brickell, Editor / Leather Bound, 1092 pages / Published September 1997
The comprehensive and authorative horticulturist reference book contains
15,000 individual plant entries. Plus a section about botany as well as
basic garening tecniques and tips. Includes 6,000 full-color photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- American Horicultural Society Pruning and Training
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Christopher Brickel, Editor, David Joyce / Hardcover 336 pages / Published August 1996
This authorative reference book is organized by ornamental trees, fruiting trees, ornamental shrubs,
soft fruits, climbing plants, and roses. Each section dicusses specialized methods, tools required,
and techniques for each plant type. Includes step-by-step procedures with diagrams and detailed
color photographs. Also includes a plant dictionary.
Click on the book title to read more.
Other Editions: Paperback
- American
Horticultural Society Plant Propagation: The Fully Illustrated Plant-by-Plant
Manual of Practical Techniques
Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -American Horticultural Society, Photographer Peter Anderson
Hardcover 320 pages / Published April 1999
This excellent plant guide covers all the information you need to propagate almost
any plant. Including trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, cacti, vegetables and herbs.
Covers staring plants by seed, cuttings, grafting, division, and other techniques.
Contains a glossary, detailed index, and a plant hardiness map.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Secrets of Plant Propagation: Starting Your Own Flowers, Vegetables,
Fruits, Berries, Trees, and Houseplants
Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Lewis Hill / Paperback 168 pages / Published March 1985
This gardening guide explains with step-by-step instructions how to start new plants from seeds, cuttings, dividing, layering, and grafting.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Michael A. Dirr / Hardcover 493 pages / Published 1997
This excellent encyclopedia is highly recommened for landscapers, nurserymen,
and gardeners. 16 hundred color photographs illustrate 500 species of northern
trees and shrubs which are suitable for zones 3 to 8 in the U.S.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Natural History of Bumblebees: A Sourcebook of Investigations
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Carol Ann Kearns, James D. Thomson / Paperback 120 pages / Published August 2001
This book is the centerpiece of a public-awareness campaign based at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Buchmann,
a leading authority on pollination, and Nabhan explore the vital link between plants and their pollinators. Without
interaction between insects, animals and flowering plants, the seeds and fruits that make up nearly eighty percent
of the human diet would not exist.
This is a disturbing story of disappearing insects and diminishing plant reproduction, owing to overuse of pesticide
and fragmented habitat. Popular environmental literature has generally overlooked the role of insect and animals pollinators,
such as bees, beetles, butterflies, moths and bats. In fact, our information on pollinator-plant interaction may be the
weakest link in understanding how ecosystems function. Many anecdotes from the field with discussions of ecology, entomology,
botany, crop science and the economics of pollination.
The authors describe the ecological and economic effects of habitat destruction and present some ideas for improving
the situation. While bees and beekeeping are discussed at some length, this book points out that birds, mammals, and
lizards as well as many species of insects are all documented pollinators, some widely recognized and other almost unknown.
The book is important for general knowledge, as well for science and ecology research.
Click on the book title to read more.

More Gardening Books.
- Gardening Books
Click on and browse through many gardening books covering gardening, raised bed gardening, container gardening, plant propagation, fruit and nut trees.

Home & Garden Magazines Subscriptions.
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This page was last updated July 21, 2018.