Books, Articles, Tips, Tools & Techniques That You Can Use In Your Garden And On Your Farm.
Select and click on the fact sheet of interest to you.
Soil Information
The three essential fertilizer nutrients are covered.
Glossary Plant Nutrition
This glossary will name and define the nutrition requirements for healthy plants.
Soil nutrients
Here we have information and tips on using fertilizer for the garden.
Soil pH
What is soil pH? Is this measurement important?
Building Soils With Compost
Methods to build garden soils with compost.
Building Soils With Compost
Using Mulch To Improve Your Gardens Production.
Potting Soils & Amendments
Facts about soil amendments and decorative top dressings.
Building and Using Cold Frames
Growing Vegetables in a Cold Frame or a Hot Bed.
Balled and Container Grown Planting Guide
Suggested steps to properly plant your landscaping plants.
Digging & Wrapping Burlap Balls
How to tie up plant root balls in burlap.
Seed & Plant Sources
A list of web links for vegetable seed, tree seedlings, flower, and fungi sources.
A Glossary of Grains and Food Ingredients
A list of grains and their food value ingredients.
Growing Potatoes
How to grow great potatoes in your home garden.
Growing Potatoes & Potato History
Books on growing potatoes, potato history, and potato cookbooks.
Growing Potato Varieties
Selecting potatoes for growing in your home garden.
Potato Varieties & Uses
Selecting potatoes for growing in your home garden and using in your kitchen.
Potato Harvest and Storage
Selecting potatoes for harvesting and storage.
Growing cabbage
How to grow great cabbage in your home garden.
Saving Blackberries Seeds
How to save blackberry seeds and planting them in your home garden.
Growing Raspberries
How to grow great raspbeeries in your home garden.
Growing Wild Leeks, aka Ramps
How to grow wild leeks in your home forest.
Growing Ginseng
Tips on growing Ginseng for fun and profit.
Information on the Edelweiss plant, flower and song.
Growing Edelweiss
Tips on growing the Edelweiss plant and flowers.
Growing Clover
Tips on growing clover for your pasture and farmland.
Caring for Poinsettias
A short history, and tips and suggestions for caring for your Poinsettias.
Plant List
A list of plants that most deer don't like to eat.
Tree Planting Guide
How to plant bare root trees.
Growing Strawberries
Tips on selecting, growing, and harvesting strawberries.
Growing Gunnera
Tips on selecting, growing, and maintaining Gunnera.
Wild Rice (Zizania Aquatica)
Books and tips on planting, growing and harvesting wild rice in the Great Lakes Region of North America.
Wild Rice Books
Books and tips on planting, growing, harvesting, and cooking wild rice in the Great Lakes Region of North America.
Maple Syrup Notes
Covers which Maple trees are used, syrup production, and history of maple strup.
Growing Garlic
Tips on growing great garlic.
Slug Control
Tips on controlling slugs and snails in the garden.
Nut Trees
General information on selecting nut trees.
Basic Garden Tools
Choosing the right tools is important to a gardener.
Garden Resources
Visit the Home Gardeners Tool Center for gardening tools, composting tools, gardening books, and lawn & garden furniture.
Organic Gardening
More Information will be published soon.
Growing Mushrooms.
Visit Lübecks Bookstore for books on finding and growing mushrooms.
Mushroom Growing Kits
Lübeck Haus Gardening Department offers a selection of kits and supplies for growing mushrooms.
Mistletoe facts and folklore.
Phases of the Moon
Explains how the different moon phases are defined and presents moon facts.
This page was last updated May 2, 2023.